Monday, April 30, 2018
Trump has already been ‘played’ - The Washington Post: Opinion
Luring Trump in with happy talk and compliments. ....
Parkland shooting survivors cry hypocrisy after NRA bans guns during Pence speech -
The National Rifle Association (NRA) has announced that guns will be barred when Vice President Mike Pence delivers a speech at its upcoming leadership conference in Dallas, and survivors of the Parkland school shooting are calling them out on it. ....
CNN's Jake Tapper On McCarthyism, Trump And The 'Jar Jar Binks Principle' (Terry Gross, Fresh Air)
As CNN's chief Washington correspondent, Jake Tapper is often focused on breaking news and the latest political stories, but the host of The Lead and State of the Union switched things up a bit for his latest project.
Tapper's new novel, The Hellfire Club, takes place in 1954 Washington, D.C., during Sen. Joseph McCarthy's Communist "witch hunt." He says that although 64 years separate his characters from today's political players, many of the themes apply.
"I thought it would be fun to try to capture the 'swamp' and some other things about Washington and talk about 2018 in some ways, but ... from the lens of 1954," Tapper says.
Tapper describes McCarthy's efforts to attack and ruin opponents as "very resonant" to the current political climate: "They say history doesn't repeat itself, but it rhymes. And there's a lot of rhyming when you read about McCarthy and when you think about President Trump."
Tapper's new novel, The Hellfire Club, takes place in 1954 Washington, D.C., during Sen. Joseph McCarthy's Communist "witch hunt." He says that although 64 years separate his characters from today's political players, many of the themes apply.
"I thought it would be fun to try to capture the 'swamp' and some other things about Washington and talk about 2018 in some ways, but ... from the lens of 1954," Tapper says.
Tapper describes McCarthy's efforts to attack and ruin opponents as "very resonant" to the current political climate: "They say history doesn't repeat itself, but it rhymes. And there's a lot of rhyming when you read about McCarthy and when you think about President Trump."
Were Henry’s Civil Rights Violated? - ProPublica
A Department of Homeland Security watchdog is looking into the case of a Long Island high school student who informed on the gang MS-13 and was marked for deportation. ....
Dem senators introduce bill to increase transparency of presidential pardons - The Hill
Two Senate Democrats are pushing a bill that would require the Justice Department to provide information to Congress regarding any pardon that the president issues in a case where the president or members of his family is involved.....
Tenney’s red-meat rhetoric alarms House Republicans - POLITICO
The congresswoman suggested most mass shooters are Democrats and called for a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary Clinton. ....
Republican worries 'assassination risk' prompting lawmaker resignations - The Hill
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) floated the idea on Friday that Republicans may be retiring in large numbers from Congress because of the threat of violence and assassinations. ....
How Wall Street Bought Toys ‘R’ Us And Left 30,000 People Without Jobs - BuzzFeed News
Toys 'R' Us's bankruptcy left 30,000 people without jobs — or severance. As Wall Street deals to buy rusty retail companies collapse, minimum-wage workers stand to lose the most. ....
The return of The Negro Motorist Green Book -
Back in 1936, during the most racially restrictive period of segregation in the United States, a Harlem man named Victor Hugo Green began publishing a slim, pocket-sized travel guide for black Americans. Green, a postal worker by trade, had observed the nation's burgeoning car culture and surmised that some black people with the means to own an automobile would want to get out on the open road and travel the nation. But given the capricious and life-threatening nature of Jim Crow laws, Green reasoned that a black motorist would need to know in advance where it was permissible for them to stop for food, fuel, or overnight accommodations....
Clearing Up A Misleading Headline -
Q: Has Rod Rosenstein "cleared" President Donald Trump? A: No. The investigation of Trump's lawyer, Michael Cohen, and another into Russian meddling in the 2016 election are both ongoing. ....
Paul Ryan Gave the House Chaplain a Simple Choice: Resign or Get Fired - Mother Jones
Reverend Patrick Conroy, the chaplain for the US House of Representatives, surprised federal lawmakers when he announced his retirement earlier this month. As it turns out, his move wasn't voluntary. ....
The AFA SAys Allowing Girls To Join The Boy Scouts Is Satanic - YouTube - RWW News
Tim Wildmon and Ed Vitaglino of the American Family Association say that allowing girls to join the Boy Scouts is "satanic" and part of a "war against God."....
Sunday, April 29, 2018
'Incels': The Movement Behind The Toronto Attack (Meghna Chakrabarti, On Point)
The suspect in the Toronto van attack embraced a misogynist ideology. We’ll look at so-called "incels," and how the internet is inflaming toxic masculinity.
More Teacher Walkouts Across The U.S. And How Prisons Became The New Asylums (Diane Rehm, On My Mind)
Thousands of teachers in Arizona and Colorado walked out of their classrooms this week to demand higher pay and increased school funding. This follows a string of similar protests in West Virginia, Oklahoma and Kentucky. Can this lead to meaningful change within the country’s public school system?
Then, the three largest providers of psychiatric care in the U.S. are not hospitals or clinics, but jails: Rikers Island in New York, L.A. County Jail in Los Angeles and the Cook County Jail in Chicago. A new book tells the story of how our jails and prisons became America’s new asylums.
Then, the three largest providers of psychiatric care in the U.S. are not hospitals or clinics, but jails: Rikers Island in New York, L.A. County Jail in Los Angeles and the Cook County Jail in Chicago. A new book tells the story of how our jails and prisons became America’s new asylums.
How America's White Power Movement Coalesced After The Vietnam War (Terry Gross, Fresh Air)
In Aug. 2017, many Americans were shocked to see neo-Nazis and members of the so called alt-right demonstrating in Charlottesville, Va. But author Kathleen Belew says the roots of the rally were actually decades in the making.
Belew, who has spent more than 10 years studying America's White Power movement, traces the movement's rise to the end of the Vietnam War, and the feeling among some "white power" veterans that the country had betrayed them.
"To be clear, I'm not arguing that this is at all representative of Vietnam veterans — this is a tiny, tiny percentage of returning veterans," Belew says. "But it is a large and instrumental number of people within the White Power movement — and they play really important roles in changing the course of movement action."
In her new book, Bring the War Home, Belew argues that as disparate racist groups came together, the movement's goal shifted from one of "vigilante activism" to something more wide-reaching: "It's aimed at unseating the federal government. ... It's aimed at undermining infrastructure and currency to foment race war."
Belew, who has spent more than 10 years studying America's White Power movement, traces the movement's rise to the end of the Vietnam War, and the feeling among some "white power" veterans that the country had betrayed them.
"To be clear, I'm not arguing that this is at all representative of Vietnam veterans — this is a tiny, tiny percentage of returning veterans," Belew says. "But it is a large and instrumental number of people within the White Power movement — and they play really important roles in changing the course of movement action."
In her new book, Bring the War Home, Belew argues that as disparate racist groups came together, the movement's goal shifted from one of "vigilante activism" to something more wide-reaching: "It's aimed at unseating the federal government. ... It's aimed at undermining infrastructure and currency to foment race war."
A New National Memorial To Victims Of Lynching (Joshua Johnson, The 1A)
In the century after the Civil War, more than 4,000 black Americans were lynched. Men, women, and children were publicly tortured and killed in acts of mob violence meant to incite fear.
“These lynchings were terrorism,” says a report from the Equal Justice Initiative.
The 2015 report found that there had been hundreds more lynchings than previously thought, because “there is an astonishing absence of any effort to acknowledge, discuss, or address lynching.”
“These lynchings were terrorism,” says a report from the Equal Justice Initiative.
The 2015 report found that there had been hundreds more lynchings than previously thought, because “there is an astonishing absence of any effort to acknowledge, discuss, or address lynching.”
Many of the communities where lynchings took place have gone to great lengths to erect markers and monuments that memorialize the Civil War, the Confederacy, and historical events during which local power was violently reclaimed by white Southerners. These communities celebrate and honor the architects of racial subordination and political leaders known for their belief in white supremacy. There are very few monuments or memorials that address the history and legacy of lynching in particular or the struggle for racial equality more generally. Most communities do not actively or visibly recognize how their race relations were shaped by terror lynching.Now the EJI is changing that. The National Memorial for Peace and Justice in Montgomery, Alabama, opens this week. It is the first national memorial for the victims of lynching. In it, 800 pillars represent counties where lynchings took place. Some of those counties are using this moment to revisit their past. Others are not.
Why Pius IX Might Be The 'Most Important Pope' In Modern Church History (Terry Gross, Fresh Air)
Pius IX became head of the Catholic church in 1846 and instituted the doctrine of Papal infallibility. Pulitzer Prize-winning author David Kertzer says his exile led to the emergence of modern Italy. His book is 'The Pope Who Would Be King.' Also, film critic Justin Chang reviews 'Zama.'
There’s New Evidence Trump Obstructed Justice in the House Intelligence Committee’s Minority Report - Slate
The report ends with a remarkable statement. ....
Democrats need to stop believing this myth about Trump's base - CNN
Economic suffering didn't drive most of President Trump's "base" in states such as Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan, writes Julian Zelizer. Democrats should be basing their 2020 election strategy on what is actually true. ....
Profiles In Discourage: Foster Friess Says The Rich Should 'Self-Tax' - YouTube
Foster Friess is running for governor of Wyoming because 'our nation needs a return to civility' as opposed to another nation like, say, Zoowanatou.....
GOP Guv Hopeful Panned For Peddling Muslim Conspiracies On MI Senate Floor - TPM
A Republican gubernatorial candidate was rebuked by colleagues Thursday for peddling "conspiracy theories" about Muslims on the floor of the Michigan Senate. State Sen. Patrick Colbeck in a Thursday speech defended unsubstantiated claims of the Muslim Brotherhood installing "civilization jihad" in the U.S. ....
'They're not victims!' CNN's Cuomo hammers GOP lawmaker for wasting America's time on Diamond and Silk hearing - Raw Story
CNN's Chris Cuomo on Friday unloaded on Rep. Steve King (R-IA) for "wasting my money" on Thursday by having a hearing dedicated to bogus censorship claims surrounding Trump-loving YouTubers Diamond and Silk. ....
Diamond & Silk Lie to Congress, Claim They Never Took Trump Campaign Money - The Daily Beast
During a truly bonkers House hearing on Thursday, the pro-Trump YouTube repeated multiple, provably false claims and shouted at Democratic lawmakers. ....
F.B.I. Letter Casts Further Doubt on White House’s Rob Porter Timeline - The New York Times
The White House says its top lawyer never saw a bureau file containing spousal abuse allegations against Mr. Porter, the president's staff secretary. The file is mentioned in a letter to Congress. ....
Global religious freedom commission cites 28 key nations for ‘ongoing downward trend’ - Religion News Service
The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom cited more than two dozen countries as main contributors to an “ongoing downward trend” in religious liberty worldwide and called on the Trump administration to prioritize the release of religious prisoners and assist in resettling refugees fleeing persecution.....
Trump Can't End Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program, Court Rules - Rewire.News
A second federal court has ordered the Trump administration continue funding comprehensive sex-education programming.....
Sean Hannity Kept Getting Deals on Properties Previously Owned by a Fraudster Specializing in Foreclosures - The Daily Beast
The TV talker has said that self-proclaimed fixer Michael Cohen had been helping him with real-estate matters. ....
There Will Soon Be a “Congressional Freethought Caucus” on Capitol Hill – Friendly Atheist
The U.S. Congress will soon have a caucus — a group of legislators that gets together to promote common interests — dedicated to reason and science, the secular government our founders envisioned, and issues concerning non-religious Americans.....
Top Trump Fundraiser Caught Working for Assad Ally - The Daily Beast
He's reportedly 'closer to the president than perhaps any other lobbyist in town.' So why is Brian Ballard taking cash from a member of Assad's inner circle? ....
The military paid for a study on sea level rise. The results were scary. - The Washington Post
More than a thousand low-lying tropical islands risk becoming “uninhabitable” by the middle of the century — or possibly sooner — because of rising sea levels, upending the populations of some island nations and endangering key U.S. military assets, according to new research published Wednesday.....
GOP congressman insists parents have ‘religious liberty’ to let kids die from treatable medical conditions - Raw Story
Republican Rep. Raul Labrador is the only top candidate for Idaho governor who believes the state should keep its controversial "faith healing" protections. Parents who deny medical care to their children cannot be charged under the state's current religious exemption, even if the children die....
Enlightenment Now (Dan Barker, Freethought Radio)
Harvard cognitive psychologist, linguist and popular science author Steven Pinker (The Language Instinct, The Blank Slate, The Better Angels of Our Nature) gave his very first public talk about his new book, Enlightenment Now, at FFRF's 40th annual convention in Madison, Wisconsin. His optimistic talk is replayed in full on this week's show while Dan and Annie Laurie are traveling to the Central Florida Freethought Community's cruise to the Bahamas.
Saturday, April 28, 2018
Evangelicals, Facebook, Cultural Suicide | Overtime with Bill Maher (HBO)
Bill and his guests – Ronan Farrow, Ross Douthat, Ian Bremmer, Ana Marie Cox and John Podhoretz – answer viewer questions after the show.
Ronan Farrow: War on Peace | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)
Author and investigative journalist Ronan Farrow joins Bill to discuss his latest book, "War on Peace: The End of Diplomacy and the Decline of American Influence."
Week In The News: Pledge To End Korean War, Cosby Found Guilty, VA Nominee Withdraws (Meghna Chakrabarti, On Point)
North and South Korea say they will work toward peace. Bill Cosby found guilty on three counts. VA nominee “regretfully” withdraws. Our weekly news roundtable dives in.
Friday News Roundup – Domestic (Joshua Johnson, The 1A) 2018-04-27
The Department of Veterans Affairs still needs a director.
President Trump needs some distance from his former attorney.
The Supreme Court needs more time to decide on the U.S. travel ban.
America needs a moment to process that Bill Cosby may face prison time.
Kanye West needs only to be himself to lose thousands of followers after a single tweet.
And if you need an internship, consider one that will put you on the open road instead of in a cubicle.
President Trump needs some distance from his former attorney.
The Supreme Court needs more time to decide on the U.S. travel ban.
America needs a moment to process that Bill Cosby may face prison time.
Kanye West needs only to be himself to lose thousands of followers after a single tweet.
And if you need an internship, consider one that will put you on the open road instead of in a cubicle.
Friday News Roundup – International (Joshua Johnson, The 1A) 2018-04-27
First France, then Germany. This month, the White House receives two of Europe’s top leaders. What’s on U.S. President Donald Trump’s agenda to discuss with Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel? What’s on theirs?
Plus, a historic summit between North and South Korea gets underway and journalists face an increasingly dangerous job around the world.
Plus, a historic summit between North and South Korea gets underway and journalists face an increasingly dangerous job around the world.
Trump Goes on Fox & Friends and Freaks Out About Michael Cohen: A Closer...
Seth takes a closer look at President Trump freaking out about the various criminal investigations around him during a rambling interview on Fox & Friends.....
The new House GOP report on Russia is revealing. But not in a good way for Trump - The Washington Post: Opinion
Another whitewash from Devin Nunes and his crew of Trump defenders. ....
'Fox & Friends' Couldn't Get Trump Off The Phone - YouTube
The three couch-hosts of 'Fox & Friends' couldn't get a word in during the President's half-hour filibuster on live television.....
Conservative lawyers melt down after Oregon bar association condemns white nationalism in Trump era - Raw Story
At least six lawyers demanded refunds of their dues after the Oregon State Bar issued statements condemning the rise of white nationalism under President Donald Trump. In its latest bulletin, the state bar condemned speech that incites violence and non-bar specialty groups denounced the normalization of hate mongering since Trump's election, reported the Oregonian. ....
Focus on the Family boss: Trump-loving evangelicals have no right to criticize any Dems for 'moral failure' - Raw Story
Jim Daly, the president of evangelical Christian advocacy organization Focus on the Family, is not happy with some of his fellow evangelicals' embrace of President Donald Trump. In an interview with the New York Times, the Focus on the Family boss says that he's concerned that evangelicals are overlooking Trump's multiple infidelities....
Black veteran kicked out of a Cracker Barrel after manager lies about him cursing at a waitress: lawsuit - Raw Story
A black veteran and business owner is suing Cracker Barrel after being kicked out of one of their locations when a manager allegedly lied about him cursing at a waitress. ....
Bitcoin is the greatest scam in history - Recode
It's a colossal pump-and-dump scheme, the likes of which the world has never seen. ...
Is A Crisis Pregnancy Center Teaching Sex Ed At Your Kid's School? | HuffPost
Several weeks ago, John Oliver’s “Last Week Tonight” took a deep dive into “crisis pregnancy centers.” These controversial facilities often open near family planning clinics to attract pregnant women with free pregnancy tests and ultrasounds and then try to dissuade them from considering abortion. Many CPCs operate mobile clinics-on-wheels, which are permitted to park near abortion clinics in an attempt to intercept pregnant women to talk them out of their decision....
Israeli government justifies killing child protesters in Gaza: They're not in school -- Mondoweiss
Israeli government officials are justifying the killing of four children in Gaza protests in the last 2 weeks. Education Minister Naftali Bennett says a 14-year-old boy killed Friday should have been in school, not at protests; while an Israeli government ministry posts a photo of a child in diapers holding a rock at the protests and says Palestinian children should be given books not rocks. ....
Scientists just discovered a strange new DNA shape lurking in human cells - Popular Science
The discovery of DNA as a double helix is a hallowed story of scientific triumph. But decades later, we're still learning that DNA is a more furiously complicated piece of biological machinery than we ever knew. ....
How Russian trolls weaponized your social media feed - YouTube
Russia spent billions on a troll army to meddle in American democracy. Here’s how you can stop them....
The big problem with that Gallup poll that shows Donald Trump's re-election numbers equal to Barack Obama's - CNN Politics
Gallup released new polling this week with an eye-popping headline: Donald Trump's re-election numbers are very similar to those of Barack Obama in 2010 and Bill Clinton in 1994. ....
Friday, April 27, 2018
Homeland Security officials want to prosecute all parents who cross border with kids: report - The Hill
Various immigration and border officials are pressing Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen to prosecute all parents crossing the U.S.-Mexico border illegally with their children, The Washington Post reports. ....
It took 2 hours for Trump's Fox & Friends interview to be used against him in federal court -
Just hours after President Trump completed a disastrous, rambling interview on Fox & Friends, his words are already being used against him in a legal filing submitted to the court by the federal government. ....
No Evidence of 'Horrific' Clinton Video -
Q: Did a video of Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin assaulting a young girl surface online? A: No. A story making that claim suggests the New York City Police Department is investigating Clinton and Abedin. That's false. ....
Trump Wrong on Comey 'Leak,' McCabe Funds -
President Donald Trump claimed a memo that former FBI Director James Comey gave to a friend "in order to get a special counsel against me" was "all classified … totally classified." That's wrong. It was unclassified at the time and remains unclassified. ....
Trump Interview Devolves Into Random Shouting as ‘Fox & Friends’ Hosts Sit There Stunned - The Daily Beast
Even the hosts of 'Fox & Friends' couldn't quite believe what they were hearing Thursday morning while talking to the president by phone. ....
Trump Official Mick Mulvaney May Hide CFPB Consumer Protection Data From Public : NPR
When a consumer has a complaint about a bank, whether it's dealing with a mortgage or a credit card, right now there's a place to lodge that complaint online.
It's easy to click around and search for other similar complaints. And it's a tool consumers can use when trying to weigh whether to do business with a particular bank or other kind of financial firm. Investigators like this database as well, because when thousands of similar complaints pop up, it could be a red flag that there's a problem at a bank that they need to dig into.....
North Korea nuclear test site has collapsed and may be out of action – China study | World news | The Guardian
North Korea’s main nuclear test site has partially collapsed under the stress of multiple explosions, possibly rendering it unsafe for further testing and leaving it vulnerable to radiation leaks, a study by Chinese geologists has shown.....North Korea nuclear test site has collapsed and may be out of action – China study | World news | The Guardian

The Solicitor General Misled the Supreme Court About Trump’s Current Position on the Muslim Ban - Slate
Time and again, Trump and the White House have said the opposite of what Francisco represented to the court on Wednesday. ...
Macron treats Congress to a full-scale takedown of Trumpism - The Washington Post: Opinion
Despite his supposed 'bromance' with Trump, the French president showed in a speech that he will not be trifled with. ....
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