Monday, June 24, 2024

Trump vs. Biden: Let's Compare the Facts

Heat waves and climate change are making your bills more expensive - The Washington Post

Researchers warn the hazards will only get worse, for the planet and the economy...

Trump Endorsed Candidate: Condoms and Masturbation are Wrong (Adam Steen Interview)

Against Her Better Judges (Andrew McCabe and Allison Gill; Jack: A Special Counsel podcast, Episode #82)

It has come to light that two “more experienced” judges urged Cannon to recuse herself from the Mar-a-Lago documents case. One of them was Chief Judge Altonaga. Nevertheless, Cannon stayed on the case and has turned it into a complete mess.

America First Legal– a Stephen Miller joint– has been allowed to participate as amici.

We are still waiting on SCOTUS to drop their Presidential Immunity opinion so the DC case can proceed.

Plus, listener questions.


Mock Trial: Murthy v. Missouri - Free Speech, Government and Misinformation on Social Media Platforms (John Donvan; Open to Debate podcast)

The Supreme Court is taking up a case that could affect how you read about issues during a crucial election year. Government officials concerned about misinformation related to topics such as COVID and election integrity had requested that social media platforms take down some posts. Several plaintiffs then filed a lawsuit alleging that by doing so, the government was suppressing speech and certain viewpoints. 

Now, there’s a question of whether such government actions amount to coercion or are legitimate exercises of power. Those who argue coercion believe that government requests limit free speech, claim “misinformation” is subjective, and worry that increased content moderation could lead to authoritarian control over public discourse online. 

Those who argue legitimate cooperation say that platforms often voluntarily comply with these requests as part of their anti-misinformation policies, making it a collaborative effort for public benefit. They also note that in cases where misinformation threatens public health or safety, such as false information about vaccines, government intervention is justified to protect the public.

Now in this mock trial, we take this question on the free speech, government, and misinformation on social media platforms.

Hard Knocks: Who Are the Jehovah's Witnesses (with Owen Morgan)

Ex-JW Owen Morgan pulls back the curtain on this mysterious cult.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

UPDATE: Pro-Trump judge on motion to DISMISS Trump's case

Jiminy Glick Interviews Bill Maher | Real Time (HBO)

Why Some People Turn to Religion (and Others Don't)

Trump spreads violent rhetoric by suggesting migrants should fight for sport - The Washington Post

In his speech, the former president continued to claim that undocumented immigrants are violent criminals coming from "prisons and mental institutions." He also recounted the murder of Georgia nursing student Laken Riley in February, who police believe was killed by Jose Ibarra — a man who immigration authorities say crossed the U.S. border illegally in 2022. Ibarra has been in custody since the day after Riley's body was discovered and pleaded not guilty in May. 

Trump reiterated his promise to "begin the largest deportation operation in American history," should he return to the White House. He also warned that undocumented immigrants are "just getting comfortable," but that "they're going to start hitting us very hard."… 

"Fitting that convicted felon Donald Trump spent his time at a religious conference threatening to round up Latinos, bragging about ripping away Americans' freedoms, and promising to be even more extreme if he regains power," Sarafina Chitika, a Biden campaign spokesperson, said in a statement.

In Trump we trust: religious right on crusade to make their man president

With Trump running ahead of Biden in many swing state polls, religious right voters scent a historic opportunity to impose a radical agenda that could ban abortion nationwide, curb LGBTQ+ rights and blur the separation of church and state. At Friday's conference, speaker after speaker framed it as righteous crusade and the only way to resist a tide of liberal secularism sweeping America…

Democrats’ plan to tax the rich and corporations begins to take shape - The Washington Post

Trump's 2017 tax cuts expire next year, opening a window for Democrats to rewrite the tax code if they win control of Washington...

Trump’s Second Term: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

John Oliver discusses Donald Trump’s plans for a second term, why it could be much worse than his first term, and what Trump has in common with a hamster.

This Biden immigration idea has Trump advisers like Stephen Miller freaking out

The most extreme voices on the right are freaking out over Biden's concrete steps to ensure American families can stay together. That's not just because they disagree with them as policy but also because they know that relief for immigrants who have been in the U.S. for years — if not decades — is popular across the broader electorate. That's one reason why people like Miller resort to spreading untruths about immigration in America.

Surprising no one, Miller immediately blasted Biden's order with a flood of misinformation echoing the "great replacement" theory, a far-right conspiracy theory that nefarious forces are seeking to undermine white Americans. Miller falsely described the humanitarian crisis at our southern border as an "invasion." He also slammed pathways to citizenship for those who qualify as turning "family networks" into "full-voting citizens." This inflammatory rhetoric might fuel outrage algorithms in far-right echo chambers, but it does not help the country address the problems with our broken immigration system.

ACLU sues Louisiana over requiring the display of Ten Commandments in public schools

"The first amendment promises that we all get to decide for ourselves what religious beliefs, if any, to hold and practice, without pressure from the government. Politicians have no business imposing their preferred religious doctrine on students and families in public schools," the statement said. 

"Louisiana's communities and public schools are religiously diverse, yet HB 71 would require school officials to promote specific religious beliefs to which people of many faiths, and those of no faith, do not subscribe."…

RFK Jr's campaign just effectively ended

CNN anchor breaks down upswell of Christian nationalism

Deluge of ‘pink slime’ websites threaten to drown out truth with fake news in US election

According to a recent report from NewsGuard, a company that aims to counter misinformation by studying and rating news websites, the websites are so prolific that "the odds are now better than 50-50 that if you see a news website purporting to cover local news, it's fake." 

NewsGuard estimates that there are a staggering 1,265 such fake local news websites in the US – 4% more than the websites of 1,213 daily newspapers left operating in the country...

Pro-Trump judge pulls OFF THE RAILS stunt against Jack Smith in court

Judge Cannon asks about Attorney General Garland’s oversight of Trump trials - The Washington Post

The theory that Smith's appointment is unconstitutional is popular in some conservative legal circles. Cannon invited three outside lawyers — known as amici — to argue in court Friday. Two said Smith was unlawfully appointed and a third sided with the government. Similar challenges to other recent special counsels, including Robert S. Mueller III, have been rejected in court — a decision that Cannon referred to on Friday…

Trump Media shares are in free fall | CNN Business

The conservative social media company has lost roughly half its market value since May 30, the day former President Donald Trump was convicted of 34 felony counts in a hush money trial. Trump Media's volatile share price (DJT) tumbled another 5% on Friday , leaving it down by a staggering 50% in the span of just three weeks...

Actual Stupidity

The dangers of artificial intelligence are far off. The dangers of #ActualStupidity, however, are present and immediate.

Republicans pull OPENLY ILLEGAL stunt

Top U.S. & World Headlines — June 21, 2024

Hear co-author of Ten Commandments bill’s response to families who don’t share religious views

Louisiana's Ten Commandments Law: A Threat to the First Amendment? (The Cross Examiner podcast)

In today's Rocket Docket episode, our host, The Cross Examiner, addresses a concerning new development: Louisiana's mandate to display the Ten Commandments in every public school classroom. This controversial decision, signed into law by the governor, has sparked a heated debate about its constitutionality.

Our host delves into the history of the First Amendment, examining key cases such as Reynolds v. United States, Abington School District v. Schempp, and the landmark Stone v. Graham decision, which directly parallels the current situation in Louisiana. He also discusses the significant impact of the "McConnell Court" and the troubling rise of Christian nationalism.

Is Louisiana's new law a violation of the First Amendment's Establishment Clause? Will the Supreme Court uphold or overturn this mandate? Tune in as The Cross Examiner provides a comprehensive analysis, equipping you with the facts and arguments you need to understand this critical issue.

Don't miss this episode filled with historical insights, legal analysis, and passionate advocacy for the separation of church and state.

Deep Cut: Leonard Leo, Judicial Kingmaker (Julian Walker; Conspirituality podcast)

Control the Court. Overturn Roe. Funnel anonymous donations and shady gifts. Deregulate for Jesus. Roll back the cultural clock. Celebrate. Rinse and Repeat.

Leonard Leo’s libertarian Catholic agenda has made him a preeminent power-broker in right-wing American politics. He’s reshaping society while enjoying the pipeline of cash and influence that connects billionaire GOP mega-donors and the SCOTUS judges he helped install.

Julian tracks how Leo’s Federalist Society used Trump as part of a decades-long systematic takeover of the judicial system that culminated in the current ethics and corruption scandal in the SCOTUS.


Show Notes


Abortion is becoming more common in primary care clinics as doctors challenge stigma (NPR)

“You can't just send your patient out to the abyss and say, ‘Go talk to someone else, go to Planned Parenthood and get this handled,’” Ruff says. “No, we as general internists are able to provide that spectrum of care.” ...

"Everyone was emboldened after Dobbs in the blue states, and I have used that,” says Attaie, a fellow with Physicians for Reproductive Health. After advocating for years that her clinic fully integrate abortion, she says, administrators finally agreed after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade...

The Scam of School Vouchers (with Nick Fish of American Atheists) (Seth Andrews; The Thinking Atheist podcast)

Supporters say they're about "choice," but school voucher programs are a weapon against education. Nick Fish, president of American Atheists, weighs in.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Fordyce, Arkansas shooting: 3 dead, 10 injured following grocery store shooting | CNN

At least 234 mass shootings have taken place in the United States in 2024, according to data from the Gun Violence Archive, which, like CNN, defines a mass shooting as one in which four or more people are shot, excluding the shooter...

The News Roundup – Domestic and International (The 1A) 2024-06-21


Los Angeles moves ahead with a ban the use of cell phones in public schools. Will others follow?

Also, America’s top doctor weighs in and says social media should come with a health warning like a pack of cigarettes.

In Maryland, Governor Wes Moore is pardoning more than 175,000 convictions for marijuana,

There’s news from this week’s primaries and baseball pays tribute to the “Say Hey Kid” the late, great Willie Mays.


Russia’s President Putin and North Korea deepen, what western leaders have dubbed ‘a dangerous bromance.’

Israel raises the prospect of ‘all-out war’ with Hezbollah. The U.S. sends new military aid to Israel.

In France, President Macron rolls the dice as the country prepares to vote in an election being watched far beyond its borders.

And China looks to ease tensions with some renewed panda diplomacy.

Youth activists win ‘groundbreaking’ climate settlement

"In none of the prior cases was the defendant state government willing to budge an inch; but here the governor embraced the plaintiffs' claims and agreed to a wide-ranging court order," Gerrard said. 

The Hawaii settlement is significant because it is one of the first major cases "laser-focused on transportation", is responsible for a large portion of greenhouse gas emissions, but which "tends to get ignored", Antolini said...

Friday, June 21, 2024

Top U.S. & World Headlines — June 20, 2024

Achievement Unlocked


Standing Ovation (The Lincoln Project)

MAGA Republican senators just gave a standing ovation to the convicted felon who wants to pardon the violent mob that broke in, threatened representatives, and defecated all over our nation's Capitol. 

The Lincoln Project is a leading pro-democracy organization in the United States — dedicated to the preservation, protection, and defense of democracy. Our fight against Trumpism is only beginning. We must combat these forces everywhere and at all times — our democracy depends on it.

FFRF January 6 Christian Nationalism Ad


Trump's reported tariff proposal would cause chaos and be a gift to the rich (MSNBC)

Donald Trump’s new plan is an oppressive tax masquerading as a break... 

Brendan Duke, a former senior policy adviser at the White House National Economic Council, estimated that Trump’s reported idea would raise taxes by $5,000 for a typical family while cutting taxes for the average family in the top 0.1% by $1.5 million...

Johnson faces bipartisan uproar over House Intel picks (Axios)

The picks were bound to be inflammatory: Perry's phone was seized by the FBI as part of its Jan. 6 probe, while Jackson has faced allegations of drinking on duty and harassing staff when he was the White House physician...

Some are also concerned about the highly sensitive information to which committee members are often exposed...

MAGA group pushes expanded religious test for judicial nominees (MSNBC)

"In a fundraising email sent Tuesday, AFA Action CEO Walker Wildmon revealed that the group is also seeking to apply its religious worldview test to judges for the lower courts, which he calls ‘a crucial, much-needed expansion of CJR’s scope.’ Walker makes the group’s Christian nationalist agenda for the courts quite clear, writing that ‘if America is ever going to return to its Christ-centered, constitutional roots, it’s up to us.’ In return for a ‘generous gift,’ the group will send donors a copy of the widely debunked Christian nationalist pseudo-historian David Barton’s ‘God in the Constitution.’ Wildmon’s email also brags about the group’s involvement in Project 2025, the Heritage Foundation-led project to engineer a far-right takeover of the executive branch if Donald Trump or another Republican is elected president this fall." 

Paul Ryan faces GOP blowback after saying he won’t vote for Trump (MSNBC)

Ryan replied, “That’s a part of it. I think it really is just character at the end of the day, and the fact that if you’re willing to put yourself above the Constitution ― an oath you swear when you take federal office, whether as president or a member of Congress, you swear an oath to the Constitution ― and you’re willing to suborn it to yourself, I think that makes you unfit for office.”

Donald Trump Jr. moves to be MAGA's new kingmaker (Axios)

Trump Jr., 46 — and friends including Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio), 39 — have emerged as the next-generation Republicans who are the most eager, and best positioned, to carry on the elder Trump's MAGA legacy.

Farah Griffin: Trump talked about executing people at several White House meetings

Farah Griffin said she was there during that meeting and that Trump “straight up said a staffer who leaked the story should be executed.”

40 Acres and a Lie Part 1 (Reveal podcast)

Our historical investigation found 1,250 formerly enslaved Black Americans who were given land – only to see it returned to their enslavers.

Union General William T. Sherman’s Special Field Orders, No. 15 – better known as 40 acres and a mule – implied a better life in the waning days of the Civil War. Hutchinson is among the formerly enslaved people who received land through the field orders, which are often thought of as a promise that was never kept. But 40 acres and a mule was more than that.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Why Juneteenth didn’t actually end slavery in Texas - The Washington Post

Enslavers resisted the emancipation order and hid the news from enslaved Black people, many of whom continued their forced labor...

Opinion | Is the Supreme Court Running Out the Clock on Trump’s Immunity Case? - The New York Times

It does not take weeks to explain why these arguments are wrong...

PolitiFact | RFK Jr. claimed the 9th Circuit ruled vaccine mandates unconstitutional. That’s False.

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled 2-1 to vacate a lower court's dismissal of the vaccine mandate lawsuit; it did not rule on whether a vaccine mandate is constitutional…

Louisiana requires public classrooms to display the Ten Commandments - The Washington Post

"This bill mandates the display of the Ten Commandments in every classroom — public elementary, secondary and post-education schools — in the state of Louisiana, because if you want to respect the rule of law, you've got to start from the original lawgiver, which was Moses," Landry said at a bill-signing ceremony Wednesday...

Juneteenth Special: Historian Clint Smith on Reckoning with the History of slavery across America

Donald Trump appeared to think he had 'foreign policy powers' after presidency

"And there was one day, where he told me he needed to go upstairs to deal with Afghanistan, even though he clearly didn't," he said...

Biden now leads in Michigan and Wisconsin

Biden now leads Trump in Michigan, where he was recently trailing by nearly 4 points, as well as in Wisconsin, where Biden regained a narrow lead. Wisconsin may be the best example of how Trump's post-conviction weakness could doom his presidential hopes: in 2016, Trump won the state by less than 1 percent. If disgusted Republicans and alienated independents continue to keep their distance, there's no mathematical way for Trump to bring the Badger State back into his column.

Misleading GOP videos of Biden are going viral. The fact checks have trouble keeping up.

"The lie is sprinting the 100-meter dash and the fact-check is taking a stroll on the beach. So it's never going to catch up. And it's never going to have the same reach," said Eric Schultz, a Democratic strategist and Obama spokesperson who on Sunday publicly called out the Post's characterization of the fundraiser as false...

DISASTER: Trump CRASHES AND BURNS at unhinged rally


Donald Trump is a living affront to the Ten Commandments.

At event for Christian lawmakers, panelists insist Satanists can't be school chaplains

Panelists at an event for the National Association of Christian Lawmakers explained how to get Christian chaplains in public schools. As a bonus, they said, Satanists and Muslims could be excluded from the mix. (They're wrong. That's illegal.)

Long term care insurance - Church Money - Medical Rant - solar panel update (The Phil Ferguson Show podcast, Episode #492)

Detailed mathematical explanation of the costs for Long Term Care Insurance.

The Spy Inside Your Smartphone (Reveal podcast)

Around the world, governments are spying on journalists with hacking software originally designed to capture criminals.

Around the globe, journalists, human rights activists, scholars and others are facing digital attacks from Pegasus, military-grade spyware originally developed to go after criminals. Some of the people targeted have been killed or are in prison.

In this episode, Reveal partners with the Shoot the Messenger podcast to investigate one of the biggest Pegasus hacks ever uncovered: the targeting of El Faro newspaper in El Salvador.

In the opening story, hosts Rose Reid and Nando Vila speak with El Faro co-founder Carlos Dada and reporter Julia Gavarrete. El Faro has been lauded for its investigations into government corruption and gang violence. The newspaper is no stranger to threats and intimidation, which have increased under the administration of President Nayib Bukele.

Reid and Vila also speak with John Scott-Railton of Citizen Lab, a Toronto-based digital watchdog group. Scott-Railton worked to identify the El Faro breach, and it was one of the most obsessive cases of spying Citizen Lab has ever seen.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

EPA chief vows to take on Republican-led states over rollback of climate rules

Regan cited a litany of regulatory, as well as legal, accomplishments made under Biden, such as the establishment of more stringent emissions rules for cars, trucks and power plants, key sources of pollution in low-income, Black and Hispanic communities, as well as specific actions to tackle a drinking water crisis in Jackson, Mississippi, and raw sewage in Alabama. A beefed-up environmental justice office, with 200 staffers, now sits in the heart of the EPA apparatus...

Jon Stewart Debunks GOP’s City Crime Narrative | The Daily Show

Dear Clarence Thomas... Listen Up

Most Americans approve of DEI, according to Post-Ipsos poll - The Washington Post

Despite rising tensions over diversity, equity and inclusion programs, about 6 in 10 Americans said they are a "good thing" for companies to adopt...

Sen. Jacky Rosen erupts after Sen. JD Vance's bump stock comments

Pressed about the 58 people who were killed in a mass shooting in Las Vegas in 2017, he said: "The question is: How many people would have been shot alternatively? …"

Vermont Republican secretly poured water into colleague’s bag over months

A Vermont lawmaker was compelled to apologize publicly after being caught on video pouring water into her colleague's work bag multiple times across several months...

WOW! Key Trump Ally Admits THIS in LEAKED TAPE

The data on race and murder that Elon Musk gave a ‘!’ deserved a ‘?’ - The Washington Post

In 2015, Donald Trump shared an image suggesting that 4 in 5 White murder victims were killed by Black offenders, which is also false. At the time, the most recent available data showed that the vast majority of White murder victims were killed by White people, just as most Black murder victims are killed by Black people. Victims tend to be killed by people they know, and most people know mostly people who share their racial identity. 

Setting aside the specific numbers offered by eyeslasho for a moment, there's a very good reason the number of people killed might have more than doubled since 1950 — the U.S. population also more than doubled over that period…

YouTube’s algorithm recommends users right-wing and religious content, research finds

"These results suggest that right-leaning news content is more frequently recommended than left-leaning," the study said. Both accounts were also recommended videos by an anti-vaccine influencer… 

Videos with religious themes — primarily Christianity — were also recommended to all the accounts, even though none of them had watched religious content during the persona-building stage. The accounts interested in mommy vloggers, for example, were shown videos with Bible verses. 

The researchers also found that YouTube recommended videos including sexually explicit content to the child account and videos featuring influencer Andrew Tate, who has been charged with human trafficking and rape (allegations that he has denied) in Romania, even though he is banned from the platform…

Small Step Could Bring Big Relief to Young Undocumented Immigrants - The New York Times

For many young people who grew up in the United States, the ability to work legally without fear of deportation has been transformative. They have become nurses, teachers and doctors, and they have bought homes and paid taxes…

Amazon Is Fined Nearly $6 Million Over Warehouse Work Quotas - The New York Times

"If you don't scan enough items you will get written up," said the worker, Carrie Stone. "This happened to me. I got written up for not making rate. They said I missed by one point, but I didn't even know what the target was."

White House swears in first class of American Climate Corps

The Biden administration on Tuesday swore in the first class of the American Climate Corps, a federal program that is meant to place young people in the clean energy, conservation and climate resilience sectors...

Black Disbelief (Dan Barker and Annie Laurie Gaylor, Freethought Radio podcast)

We celebrate the 96th birthday of the Broadway composer Charles Strouse, a lifelong atheist, by hearing the protest song he wrote for the musical “Golden Boy,” “No More,” sung by Sammy Davis Jr. 

We also reprise part of our 2009 interview with Strouse. 

Then we speak with Professor Anthony B. Pinn about his new book, The Black Practice of Disbelief: An Introduction to the Principles, History, and Communities of Black Nonbelievers.

Lying About Atheists Will Make Them Christian! (Viced Rhino)

Today, Father Casey of Breaking in the Habit explains to us five reasons why Christians are leaving the church and becoming atheists. Shocker: He gets a lot wrong.

The Racist Hoax That Changed Boston (Reveal podcast)

After a pregnant woman’s murder, Boston police rounded up countless Black men in search of her killer. But they were chasing a lie.

In 1989, Chuck Stuart called 911 on his car phone to report a shooting.

He said he and his wife were leaving a birthing class at a Boston hospital when a man forced him to drive into the mixed-race Mission Hill neighborhood and shot them both. Stuart’s wife, Carol, was seven months pregnant. She would die that night, hours after her son was delivered by cesarean section, and days later, her son would die, too.

Stuart said he saw the man who did it: a Black man in a tracksuit.

Within hours, the killing had the city in a panic, and Boston police were tearing through Mission Hill looking for a suspect.

For a whole generation of Black men in Mission Hill who were subjected to frisks and strip searches, this investigation shaped their relationship with police. And it changed the way Boston viewed itself when the story took a dramatic turn and the true killer was revealed.

This week on Reveal, in partnership with the “Murder in Boston” podcast and associate editor and columnist Adrian Walker of The Boston Globe, we bring you the untold story of the Stuart murder: one that exposed truths about race and crime that few White people in power wanted to confront.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

‘We don’t need votes’: Trump doubles down on poll watching rhetoric in Detroit speech

Trump once again peddled a bigoted election conspiracy theory that he has frequently used to target cities with large Black populations...

Fact Check: Trump’s and Biden’s Claims on Immigration and Border Security - The New York Times

We fact-checked claims about migrants and border security from both presidential candidates.

Fact check: Trump falsely claims almost all new jobs under Biden have gone to ‘illegal aliens’ | CNN Politics

Former President Donald Trump, who has promised to conduct mass deportations if he is elected to a second term in November, continued his angry rhetoric about illegal immigration at a campaign rally in Nevada in early June…

Rick Scott runs pro-IVF ad after voting against IVF protections

Last week, Sen. Rick Scott voted against the Right to IVF Act. One day later, the Florida Republican unveiled an ad bragging about his support for IVF.

Click Older Posts above to see more.