Thursday, June 27, 2024

Supreme Court says state officials can engage in a little corruption - Vox

Jackson argues that the statute should be read to prohibit "rewards corruptly accepted by government officials in ways that are functionally indistinguishable from taking a bribe," much like the payment at issue in this case appears to be. 

Kavanaugh's majority opinion, meanwhile, relies heavily on policy arguments and other claims that go beyond the statute's text. He does attempt to make a textual argument — Kavanaugh notes that the statute at issue in Snyder, like a different statute that only concerns bribes, uses the word "corruptly" — but his best arguments are atextual... 

It's also notable that neither Justice Clarence Thomas nor Justice Samuel Alito, both of whom have accepted expensive gifts from politically active Republican billionaires, recused themselves from the case. Thomas and Alito both joined Kavanaugh's opinion reading the anti-corruption statute narrowly…

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