Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Trump Supporter Milo Yiannopoulos Furthers Racial Hatred At DePaul University | ThinkProgress

When conservative provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos came to speak at DePaul University on May 24, tensions were already running high on the Chicago campus.

During the course of the year, DePaul’s Black Student Union had been repeatedly meeting and negotiating with the administration about ongoing hate at the university. DePaul College Republicans, who invited Yiannopoulos to speak, had just coordinated the chalking of phrases like “Blue Lives Matter” and “Trump Train 2016” on school grounds in April — an incident that led to the banning of chalk on sidewalks.

Things only got more heated when it was announced the school would host Yiannopoulos as part of his “Dangerous Faggot” college tour....

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