Monday, January 18, 2021

‘Aggressive’: Bernie Sanders on his big plans as Budget chair - POLITICO

" I think we should think about how we use [budget] reconciliation in two ways. And it's still not clear to me whether the two ways end up being in one piece of legislation or two. One is, dealing with the immediate crisis. Children in America are hungry. People are sleeping on the street. People are facing eviction. People have no health care in the middle of a pandemic. That is the immediate crisis of today, and it must be addressed. But, there is also a systemic crisis that has been brewing for years that must be addressed. … What we've got to do is create millions of good-paying jobs, and that means clearly, as the president-elect has indicated, rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure, our roads and bridges. And I would add affordable housing to that, as well."

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