Monday, June 6, 2016

Top Gun Lobbyist: If GOP Loses SCOTUS, We Might ‘Have To Resort To Bullet Box’

The former head of an influential pro-gun lobbying group said over the weekend that losing the White House could mean pro-gun activists “have to resort to the bullet box” to protect the Second Amendment.

In a conversation on his “Gun Owners News Hour,” Larry Pratt, executive director emeritus of Gun Owners of America, interviewed Robert Knight, a fellow at the conservative American Civil Rights Union, who said a Democrat taking the White House and replacing the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia would pose “great peril” to gun rights.

“At that point, we would have to come to an understanding, which we’ve been sort of taught, it’s been taught out of us, that the courts do not have the last word on what the Constitution is,” Pratt said on the show, in remarks first flagged by RightWingWatch....

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