Thursday, June 9, 2016

It's All a Con: Trump's Presidential Campaign Is as Big a Scam as Trump University

There is no longer any doubt that Donald Trump’s defunct real estate school, Trump University, was one big scam that operated to swindle credulous people out of their money. As Ronald Schnackenberg, a former sales manager at the for-profit venture (who was once reprimanded for not pushing hard enough to sell a $35,000 “elite program” to a couple who had “no money to pay for the program” and would have had to take out an equity loan on their apartment and used disability income) wrote in his testimony:

“I believe that Trump University was a fraudulent scheme and that it preyed upon the elderly and uneducated to separate them from their money.”

Much like Wall Street predators who sold subprime mortgages to unknowing Americans with promises of incessant growth in home value, Trump University sold bogus educations to bright-eyed working people, promising to teach them “better than the best business school.” And it was the promises that ultimately got Trump in trouble with the law. Falsely claiming that instructors were “handpicked” by Trump; calling them “professors and adjunct professors,” which they were not; deceptively promoting itself as an accredited school with the authoritative “University” in its name (New York regulators forced him to change the name in 2010). The for-profit educational venture was almost entirely concerned with the profit aspect, and gave “seminars and classes across the country that were like infomercials, constantly pressuring students to buy more.”

For a populist candidate who has sold himself as a common man fighting for Joe Average, preying on vulnerable, average Americans is certainly not a good look—which is why Donald is so furious that Judge Gonzalo Curiel ordered the public release of company records. This fiasco affirms what many people already knew: Trump is a snake-oil peddling charlatan for the 21st century; the lovechild of P.T. Barnum and George Wallace....

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