Thursday, June 9, 2016

Elizabeth Warren Rips Into Paul Ryan's Anti-Poverty Plan

On Tuesday, Paul Ryan unveiled a new anti-poverty plan in Washington, DC. News coverage of the event largely ignored the contents of Ryan's proposal, instead focusing on his statement that Donald Trump's attacks on a Hispanic judge constitute the "textbook definition of a racist comment"—but that he'd still be voting for Trump anyway.

But liberal favorite Elizabeth Warren wanted to make sure Ryan's policy ideas didn't go completely unnoticed. The Massachusetts senator took to Facebook later in the day to tear apart Ryan's plan as a retread of old Republican proposals. "It looks more like an agenda for creating poverty than reducing it," Warren wrote. "In fact, if you look closely, Paul Ryan's new plan is just a shiny repackaging of Paul Ryan's old plan: Keep huge tax breaks and special loopholes open for billionaires and giant corporations, gut the rules on Wall Street, then say there's no money for Social Security, for Medicare, for education, or anything else that will help struggling working families."

Warren is hardly alone in that assessment....

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