Sunday, June 23, 2024

This Biden immigration idea has Trump advisers like Stephen Miller freaking out

The most extreme voices on the right are freaking out over Biden's concrete steps to ensure American families can stay together. That's not just because they disagree with them as policy but also because they know that relief for immigrants who have been in the U.S. for years — if not decades — is popular across the broader electorate. That's one reason why people like Miller resort to spreading untruths about immigration in America.

Surprising no one, Miller immediately blasted Biden's order with a flood of misinformation echoing the "great replacement" theory, a far-right conspiracy theory that nefarious forces are seeking to undermine white Americans. Miller falsely described the humanitarian crisis at our southern border as an "invasion." He also slammed pathways to citizenship for those who qualify as turning "family networks" into "full-voting citizens." This inflammatory rhetoric might fuel outrage algorithms in far-right echo chambers, but it does not help the country address the problems with our broken immigration system.

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