Friday, June 21, 2024

MAGA group pushes expanded religious test for judicial nominees (MSNBC)

"In a fundraising email sent Tuesday, AFA Action CEO Walker Wildmon revealed that the group is also seeking to apply its religious worldview test to judges for the lower courts, which he calls ‘a crucial, much-needed expansion of CJR’s scope.’ Walker makes the group’s Christian nationalist agenda for the courts quite clear, writing that ‘if America is ever going to return to its Christ-centered, constitutional roots, it’s up to us.’ In return for a ‘generous gift,’ the group will send donors a copy of the widely debunked Christian nationalist pseudo-historian David Barton’s ‘God in the Constitution.’ Wildmon’s email also brags about the group’s involvement in Project 2025, the Heritage Foundation-led project to engineer a far-right takeover of the executive branch if Donald Trump or another Republican is elected president this fall." 

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