Saturday, September 22, 2018

Friday News Roundup – International (Joshua Johnson, The 1A) 2017-09-21

We’re tracking the progress of Brexit this week. French President Emanuel Macron is going head-to-head with British Prime Minister Theresa May regarding a Brexit compromise. May has said that the U.K. will leave the European Union on March 29 so “the onus is now on all of us to get this deal done.” Macron is urging other EU members to reject the deal.

What compromise is Macron asking for? Is there a chance May will agree?

The Wall Street Journal reported this week that the United States would ask Chinese media outlets Xinhua News Agency and CGTN to register as foreign agents. Both outlets have “strong ties” to the Chinese government, according to The Hill. This move by the Department of Justice follows a similar series of events with Russia Today. RT is another foreign media outlet with close ties to its government that was asked to register as a foreign agent.

Continuing a trend from this summer, China leveled tariffs on $60 billion worth of U.S. goods, just after President Trump announced American tariffs on $200 billion worth of Chinese goods.

President Donald Trump was active on Twitter this week regarding North and South Korea relations...

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