Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Finally, The REAL REASON Why Trump Picked Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson AND Why He's Taking a 99% PAY CUT

This Exclusive Report FINALLY Explains the mystery surrounding WHY Trump Picked the filthy-rich CEO of Exxon Mobile Rex Tillerson for Secretary of State. He certainly is not a household name and most American's have never heard of him. Trump who has been selecting mostly loyalists, didn't even know Tillerson previously. Rachel Maddow explains just how Tillerson made it on Trump's radar and also why Tillerson, who's never worked anywhere but Exxon, would take a job that's offering a 99% PAY DECREASE. This is an extremely tangled web which only Rachel could properly navigate through. It's FASCINATING information that everyone should be aware of. Great Reporting.

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