Thursday, October 13, 2016

Clinton Foundation: Those ‘Hacked Files’ Aren’t Ours

A hacker going by the name Guccifer 2.0 claimed to have published files hacked from the Clinton Foundation on Tuesday, including spreadsheets that appear to show corporate money being funneled to politicians and a computer file titled “pay for play.”

The files—which weren’t posted in their entirety—look conspicuously corrupt, and their presentation seems designed to confirm long-standing suspicions that the foundation is indeed a pay for play operation that trades off the the Clinton family’s past, present, and potential future influence.

But there’s a problem. The president of the Clinton Foundation says the documents aren’t theirs, and there’s no evidence that the organization’s networks have been breached. So, is this the October surprise that Clinton’s opponents have been expecting? Or is it the next stage in what intelligence officials suspect is an ongoing “active measures” campaign to meddle with the U.S. election?...

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