Thursday, June 9, 2016

Why Is Black Lives Matter Activist Facing Four Years in Jail While Stanford Rapist Gets Six Months?

In California, Black Lives Matter activist Jasmine Richards faces up to four years in prison at her sentencing today after she was convicted of a rarely used statute in California law known up until recently as "felony lynching." Police accused her of trying to de-arrest someone during a peace march in Pasadena last August. The arrest and jailing of a young black woman activist on charges of felony lynching has sparked a firestorm of protest, with supporters vowing to pack the court today.

Meanwhile, in another California case, a judge sentenced white former Stanford University swimmer Brock Allen Turner to six months in jail after he was convicted of three felony counts of sexual assault. We get reaction from Los Angeles City Councilmember Gil Cedillo and California Senate President Pro-Tem Kevin de Leรณn. "You started your show talking about someone from Stanford who rapes a woman and gets six months, and then you’ve got a woman who is part of the Black Lives [Matter] movement who is trying to bring forth the challenges that face us in America around racism and racial discrimination, and she’s participating, trying to exercise her First Amendment rights, ... and she’s going to be given four years?" Cedillo says. "Something’s wrong with that picture."...

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