Saturday, June 11, 2016

Trump Used To Brag That He Wasn’t Controlled By Special Interests. Today, Everything Changes.

During the Republican primary season, Donald Trump routinely railed against the influence of wealthy special interests in American politics and touted that his campaign was largely self-funded. You might’ve noticed Trump hasn’t said or tweeted anything along those lines in a while. There’s a good reason for that — doing so these days would be highly hypocritical, especially in light of an event at Trump Tower that’s reportedly taking place on Thursday.

Trump claims to be worth $10 billion, but an analysis by Bloomberg found he’s actually worth well less than half that. Earlier this week, Mark Cuban said his look into Trump’s latest campaign finance filings led him to the conclusion that Trump is in serious financial trouble.....

....instead of self-financing a general election campaign he estimates will cost upwards of $1 billion, Trump has teamed with the Republication National Committee to put together a more traditional fundraising operation relying on the same wealthy donors he once criticized establishment politicians for taking money from.....

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