Thursday, June 16, 2016

Trump Goes Apocalyptic: America's 'Not Going To Continue To Survive Like This'

Donald Trump offered a rather grim outlook on the nation's future in a wide-ranging speech at a campaign rally Wednesday in Atlanta. The event got off to a topical start, with Trump reiterating that he believed if the victims of a deadly mass shooting in Orlando, Florida had been armed there would have been fewer casualties. The tone of the speech turned significantly darker when he later pivoted to discussing where he could foresee the country going.

Trump shared a story about a friend with a terminal illness who was expected to live one more month and then outlived that life expectancy. "He's tough as hell," Trump said, going on to say that he thought his friend was similar to the United States, which was having "the blood sucked out of us." "It's amazing that our country can continue to survive, but you know? Eventually it's not going to survive. Just so you understand. Eventually it's not....

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