Thursday, June 16, 2016

Paul Ryan releases regulatory portion of his six-part agenda. It shouldn't fool anybody

While megatons of attention are understandably being paid to Donald Trump’s latest fascist spew, another Republican is laying out an agenda showing anyone who temporarily forgot why it’s not just The Donnie that needs to be defeated come November.

Consider the six-part agenda under the rubric of "A Better Way” that Speaker of the House Paul Ryan has been laying out. Previously, we’ve been handed what House Republicans have in mind for national security and poverty.

Today, in a 57-page paper, they provide the blueprint for taking several steps backward in government regulations. Unlike the two previously released parts of the agenda, the regulatory proposals focus on existing legislation or rules—particularly regulations on net neutrality, the financial industry, and dealing with climate change. But not just those. The plan is to roll back, weaken, and otherwise undermine regulations in several arenas.....

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