Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Low Dollar, Same Grift

There are two things Donald Trump is notorious for in the business world - one is simple bullying as a business tactic, another is cheating people out of money they're owed and then making the 'deal' stick by grinding the counter-parties down with the promise of endless litigation. As Times columnist Joe Nocera puts it, in the business world Trump "is notorious for refusing to pay full price to contractors and vendors after they’ve completed work for him. And he basically dares the people he has stiffed to sue him, knowing that his deep pockets and bevy of lawyers give him a big advantage over those who feel wronged by him." Both traits or patterns of behavior are surprisingly good guides to Trump's presidential campaign.

As I've learned more about Trump's business history it has reminded me of this description we got months ago from another New York real estate professional about Trump's MO ...

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