Saturday, June 11, 2016

Listen To Paul Ryan Say That He Cares More About Gutting Medicare Then He Does About Racism

U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) believes that Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s recent, racist attack on a federal judge — Trump claimed that Judge Gonzalo Curiel must remove himself from a case involving one of Trump’s companies because Curiel is “of Mexican heritage” — is wrong. But Ryan is voting for Trump anyway.

In an interview with Up Front with Vicki McKenna, a Milwaukee radio show, Ryan said that “the comment about the judge the other day just was out of left field” and that he “completely disagree[s] with the thinking behind that.” But the fact that Trump simultaneously launched a racist attack while calling into question whether he will respect the rule of law if elected president is no reason to vote for a Democrat, Ryan insists....

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