Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Harry Reid Is Quietly Laying The Groundwork For Elizabeth Warren To Be Vice President

There are several good reasons why presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton might want to choose Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) as her running mate. Warren is a forceful critic of Republican candidate Donald Trump. As the architect of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Warren helps insulate Clinton from charges that she is too close to Wall Street. And Warren is popular with many liberal Democrats that Clinton may want to build bridges towards in the wake of a bruising primary against Sen. Bernie Sanders.

There are, however, two very good reasons not to choose Warren as the party’s vice presidential nominee. Massachusetts currently has a Republican governor, who would be able to name a temporary replacement to fill Warren’s senate seat if the Massachusetts lawmaker became vice president. And, even though this seat would eventually be filled by the winner of a special election, there’s no certainty that Massachusetts voters will choose another Democrat to fill Warren’s seat. Just ask former Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA)....

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