Thursday, June 9, 2016

Conservative David Frum Perfectly Explains How the Disintegration of the GOP Has Created Trump

The Trump phenomenon is presenting Republicans with one of those once in a lifetime gut checks—do you fall in line behind someone who is obviously unfit for the office of president or do you tell the truth as you see it and risk the disapprobation of your peers and the possible banishment to political Siberia? Even though the truth of the matter is obvious, I don’t think it’s fair to say that it would be easy for anyone. To lose your place in the political ecosystem can be emotionally painful and professional very risky. The path of least resistance is to go with the flow. If Trump loses you will have a lot of company. If he wins, well, you’ll have to live with your own conscience as to the consequences. But either way, the people who stood against him will always be resented for their courage by those who went along....

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