Saturday, February 13, 2021

The News Roundup — Domestic (The 1A) 2021-02-12

The second impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump continued this week and included never-before-seen footage of the insurrection at the Capitol. Impeachment managers presented this footage as part of their case against former President Trump for inciting the insurrection.

Although reportedly some Republican Senators felt “shaken,” according to CNN’s Manu Raju, about what they witnessed, they say they likely won’t change their plans to vote to acquit Trump.

And the conversation over how and when to reopen schools to in-person instruction remains ongoing as the White House clarified their public school reopening goal to at least one day a week by the 100th day of the Biden presidency.

Find our conversation about a timeline for a COVID-19 vaccine for kids here.

The Biden administration also said many immigrants would still be turned back at the southern border under a public health code rule meant to stop the spread of the coronavirus.

More from BuzzFeed News:
The turnbacks, known as expulsions, are legally different from deportations, which would mean an immigrant had actually undergone the immigration process and found to not be legally allowed to stay in the US. Critics say the government is using the public health orders as an excuse to turn back immigrants at the border. The Biden administration, which has warned that it will take time to undo Trump’s immigration policies, has already directed a review of the policy to determine whether it’s necessary. The administration, however, has said it will not use the sweeping public health powers to expel unaccompanied immigrant children at the southern border despite a federal appeals court clearing the path to do so.

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