Monday, January 18, 2021

Elucidating the Agenda of James Tour: A Defense of Abiogenesis

The origin of life! How did we get here? How did the first living organism come about? Can it have happened spontaneously? Isn't life way too complex for that to happen? It seems ridiculous, right? Well, no. Not if you understand biochemistry, which creationists do not. But every once in a while, a hero emerges from academia to champion the cause of the creationist, and lend some illusory credence to their views. In this case, that hero is James Tour, a synthetic organic chemist who insists that abiogenesis is impossible, and he should know better than anyone, because he's a chemist. I was made aware of Dr. Tour after a couple hundred people linked me to a video of his in an empty argument from authority, insisting that because a chemist confirms their religious bias, they must be right. But is Dr. Tour a bit biased himself? Let's find out precisely what his agenda is, shall we?

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