Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Oops, Turns Out America Wants Obamacare After All

Throughout his campaign, Donald Trump vowed to immediately repeal Obamacare once he took office. His throngs of supporters loudly chanted for the demise of Obamacare, as well. Now, however, it seems like people are rapidly changing their minds about their desired fate for the government health care plan.

According to the most recent polling, just 26 percent of the country wants to see Obamacare repealed. Another 17 percent would like to see it scaled back. Still, that pales in comparison to the 49 percent of Americans who would like to either see Obamacare kept in its current form or expanded even further.

Perhaps the most shocking revelation from the poll is the massive shift in opinion from conservatives. Just before the election, 69 percent of Republicans were in favor of a complete repeal of Obamacare. Now, that number sits at a bare majority of 52 percent....

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