Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Climate Change in the Red States

On the heels of President-elect Donald Trump’s meeting this Monday with environmentalist and former vice president Al Gore, 97 percent of the world’s scientists might have breathed (just a little) easier. Here was a signal—however tentative—that the incoming president was at least interested in hearing the views of those who consider climate change to be a looming threat, and who would prefer the United States do something about it. The meeting, as my colleague Robinson Meyer writes, was arranged by the first daughter, Ivanka Trump. Presumably, it is part of a reported effort to make climate change “one of her signature issues” in a bid to win over “liberals disgusted and depressed with the tone and tenor of the new leader of the free world.”

It is worth noting that not only liberals are concerned with climate change: According to Gallup, 40 percent of Republicans and 64 percent of independents are “worried a great or fair deal” about it, an increase of nine points since the question was asked last year....

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