Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Evansville, Ind., cops caught beating a handcuffed man, then lying about it. They won’t face charges. - The Washington Post

On Oct. 29, Evansville, Ind., police officers Nick Henderson, Mark DeCamps and Marcus Craig confronted 36-year-old Mark Healy while investigating a garage burglary. According to the officers, Healy resisted when they confronted him, and a physical altercation ensued. During that altercation, Healy broke free and began to run away. When again confronted, he stabbed one of the officers with a syringe filled with liquid methamphetamine. The officers then physically restrained Healy and arrested him.

That, according to local media reports, is what the police use-of-force report said. It was filed by the officers involved about three hours after the incident. A fourth officer, a sergeant, reviewed the report and deemed the officers’ actions justified....

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