Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Ohio Democrats watch in dismay as their state tilts red

Thousands of Democratic Party loyalists shifted eagerly in their seats in Columbus’ dimly lit convention center ballroom. They waited for President Obama, who would give a fiery speech urging Democrats to get out the vote, and indicting the GOP for aiding and abetting the overt racism that marked this election season.

But before the president took the stage, Ohio Democratic Party chair David Pepper strode to the podium and, citing polls showing Donald Trump with a slight lead in the crucial swing state, launched into what he called a “pep talk.” “Do you think we’re a Trump state, Ohio?” “No,” the crowd roared. ...

... But despite everything hobbling Donald Trump in the state — a halfhearted ground game, a public feud with the state GOP, a popular Republican governor who despises him — Ohio might turn out to be “Trump country” after all....

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