Monday, May 27, 2024

How Oregon’s right-to-die law has inspired other US states and countries

"I voted twice against the law, but once it went into effect and I saw how it worked, I changed my mind," said Jackson, the former chief executive of the Oregon Hospice Association. 

 "I really thought that if everyone had hospice care, they wouldn't need this, which was very arrogant of me because hospice is something where others decide. One of the things that really bothers me is the idea that doctors should decide when to allow you to die. That is just awful. I came to realise this is about choice. Someone should be able to decide for themselves when to die."… 

 More broadly, Oregon's law has forced a greater focus on how people die, with doctors and medical institutions paying closer attention to palliative care and reducing suffering toward the end of life. It has also contributed to the rapid expansion of hospice care…

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