Monday, May 27, 2024

Donald Trump booed at Libertarian convention

"And if you vote for me on day one I will commute the sentence of Ross Ulbricht." The room, where many had been waving "Free Ross" signs, erupted in roars and whistles of approval. Ulbricht was the founder of Silk Road, an online marketplace for the sale of heroin, cocaine, LSD and other illegal drugs, who in 2015 was sentenced to life in prison… 

 The ex-president received further acclaim for pledging to sign an executive order banning federal agencies from censoring free speech, introduce record tax cuts, oppose the Green New Deal and drill for oil and gas, secure the future of crypto and bitcoin currencies and defend religious liberty and gun rights.  

Still, not everyone was won over. When Trump said, "I want your support and again, you can either nominate us and put us in the position or give us your vote," a chorus of boos rose again. 

 Afterwards one delegate, who gave his name only as Joe, said: "He's full of shit."…

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