Friday, July 29, 2016

Trump campaign calls the Democrats' message of togetherness 'the politics of fear'

The Republican Party is, in ideology, dead. It has been replaced in equal parts by a motley collection of racists, a gaggle of conspiracy theorists, and the myriad voices that rattle around inside a lying billionaire's head. This has made for a campaign season that quickly went from the surreal to the willingly delusional, and a national convention devoted to letting you, the outsider, explore the palatial spaces of Donald Trump's ego. Here are the people that have done business with Donald! Here are the children who have sprung forth from Donald's loins! Here are a few of Donald's most valued employees!

But it was the direct message Donald Trump delivered to the convention—that Donald Trump and only Donald Trump could keep America safe from the terrorists, and the Muslims, and the undocumented among us, and the Chinese, and the Iranians, and America's own dangerous and crooked government itself—that made the Trump campaign's official response to last night's especially... what is the word, here? Ah, that's right. Batshit.

"Their entire message could be summed up as: things are perfect, let's not change a single thing. So they resorted to the politics of fear, trying to convince Americans not to vote for change "...

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