Saturday, July 30, 2016

A few problems with Young Earth creationism

Bill Nye made headlines last week when he visited the Creationist Museum in Cincinnati, Ohio (Actually near the border in Petersburg, KY). The museum is the brainchild of Ken Ham, the head honcho of Answers-in-Genesis, a ministry that pushes a specific creation story called Young Earth Creationism. YEC maintains the universe and everything in it is less than 10,000 years old, that all or most ancient extinct creatures lived side by side with one another, and that most of the fossils and deposits in the geological record are the result of a massive, worldwide flood that was survived by Noah and his family aboard the Ark as described in the biblical Book of Genesis.

The key point in understanding why someone would want believe in a literal Genesis has to do with the Garden of Eden and original sin. The story goes that Adam and Eve lived in a paradise when they were first created. But they disobeyed God. This was once considered critical to Abrahamic theology, because without that act of disobedience by Adam and Eve, there would be no reason to punish humanity with death and decay, no original sin, and critically for Christians, little or no need for salvation from sin through Christ.

YEC is often said to be at odds with evolutionary biology, and indeed it is, but that’s just the start. A young Earth/universe is in direct conflict with virtually every field of natural science. Two of the most notable fields are geology and astronomy. Let’s review a few examples from each of those fields below the water line....

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