Saturday, July 30, 2016

Hillary Clinton Embraced Reaganism Last Night, Then She Stuck A Knife In It

There were several times during this week’s Democratic National Convention when delegates could be excused if they thought they’d stumbled into the wrong party’s meeting. For President Obama, one of GOP candidate Donald Trump’s greatest sins was replacing Ronald Reagan’s vision of “a shining city on a hill” with “’a divided crime scene’ that only he can fix.” Democratic standard bearer Hillary Clinton picked up this theme, criticizing Trump for taking the GOP “from ‘Morning in America’ to ‘Midnight in America.’” One former Reagan staffer, who touted his efforts to build a statute honoring The Gipper in his own speech, summed up the DNC’s take on Reagan with a famous cliché “I knew Ronald Reagan. I worked for Ronald Reagan. Donald Trump, you are no Ronald Reagan.”

It was a testament to the Democratic Party’s belief that Mr. Trump is so far off the deep end that many Republicans would rather vote for Hillary Clinton then risk the nation’s future on the erratic real estate mogul’s mercurial temper. DNC speakers, including the party’s two most prominent figures, spent much of the evening leading Republicans to water in the hopes that they will drink it.

Nevertheless, liberals should take heart. Clinton praised Reagan just long enough to obscure her plans to bury him. And, in doing so, she borrowed a page from Reagan’s own playbook....

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