Friday, August 23, 2024

History Lessons About Combatting Polarization in 2024 with Fareed Zakaria (John Donvan; Open to Debate podcast)

From AI and tech innovations to the political and cultural climate during a critical election year, our modern world is constantly changing. However, within these revolutions comes a new level of polarization that has entered every aspect of life. What can the past teach us about combatting polarization and adapting to a changing America? 

CNN host, Washington Post columnist, and bestselling author Fareed Zakaria says that while there is no “correct” path, you have to embrace being open-minded and make compromises to find solutions. In this conversation with host and moderator-in-chief John Donvan, Zakaria discusses his new book “Age of Revolutions: Progress and Backlash from 1600 to the Present”, what led to us living in revolutionary times today, how past revolutions can help us understand our polarized present, and why despite it all, he’s still hopeful we’ll come out of the other side better for it.

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