Saturday, March 18, 2023

Why Poverty Persists in America - The New York Times

In Tommy Orange's novel, "There There," a man trying to describe the problem of suicides on Native American reservations says: "Kids are jumping out the windows of burning buildings, falling to their deaths. And we think the problem is that they're jumping." 

The poverty debate has suffered from a similar kind of myopia. For the past half-century, we've approached the poverty question by pointing to poor people themselves — posing questions about their work ethic, say, or their welfare benefits — when we should have been focusing on the fire. The question that should serve as a looping incantation, the one we should ask every time we drive past a tent encampment, those tarped American slums smelling of asphalt and bodies, or every time we see someone asleep on the bus, slumped over in work clothes, is simply: Who benefits? Not: Why don't you find a better job? Or: Why don't you move? Or: Why don't you stop taking out payday loans? But: Who is feeding off this?…

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