Thursday, January 17, 2019

Atheist Experience 23.01 with Matt Dillahunty & Phil Session

18:25 Jimmy: San Antonio, TX: Drug-Induced “Mystical Experiences”, Perennial Philosophy
53:20 John: Huntington Beach, CA: Evaluating Evidence, Examples of “Design”, Life Elsewhere 1:28:15 Marie: NC: Ex-Pentecostal Christian Asks About Heaven, Fear of Hell
1:38:15 Adele: Oakland, CA: God’s Will vs Free Will, Praying
1:49:15 Alexander: OK: Having a Purposeful Life as Atheists, “There is No God” vs Disbelief

The Atheist Experience episode 23.01 for January 6, 2019, with Matt Dillahunty and Phil Session. ACA Goings On. Phil talks about the latest ACA volunteer efforts.

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