Friday, June 15, 2018

Sessions cites Bible in defense of breaking up families, blames migrant parents -- NBC News

Commentary from DN Speak:

Oh, well, Mr. Sessions, as long as you have a bible verse, that cinches it, eh?

That would seem to mean any policy you arbitrarily declare would be just the way God wants it... Cuz God thinks just like you. And he wouldn't want the victims of domestic abuse and other violence allowed in as refugees in our exceptional country either!

So you really have no choice, right? It's in the Bible!

And this is the way it has to be.

And it is just as it should be, because you have a bible verse.

And what was that I heard you say about free will? And that moral compass of yours, Mr. Sessions, when you said you could not trust a non-theist to be a good judge because without a god he or she lacked a basis for moral judgment?

But what if I have dozens of bible verses? Do I win?

The actual story from NBC:

The attorney general, in a speech to law enforcement officers in Indiana, called on his "church friends" not to blame him for the policy.

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