Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Slate: Senators Who Think Benghazi Is Worst Scandal Ever Threaten to Turn Every Embassy Into Benghazi

Remember Benghazi? Congressional Republicans have spent the past four years using the 2012 attack on a U.S. diplomatic compound in Libya to go after Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration over their failure to protect American personnel overseas. Sen. Ted Cruz called for a joint select committee to investigate “why our facilities in Benghazi were not secure, why we didn't respond to the reports of terrorist activities, why we didn't have military assets in place to protect our brave men who were serving there.” And Sen. Marco Rubio accused Clinton’s State Department of an “extraordinary failure…to take appropriate action to protect Americans.” But now that Clinton has been defeated, both former presidential candidates are willing to use the safety of American diplomatic personnel as a bargaining chip. ...

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