Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Trump-Supporting Tea Partier Stuns CNN Host by Saying the President-Elect Is on the Verge of Treason

Former Republican Congressman and prominent conservative radio host Joe Walsh slammed the president-elect and fellow Republicans Monday over their lack of interest in investigating Russia’s attempt to influence the election in favor of Donald Trump.

“I’m outraged at the lack of outrage, especially on my side, the Republican side,” Walsh told CNN’s Brooke Baldwin. “I get that the country is divided, but my god: a foreign government interfered with our election. That should piss everybody off.”

Walsh iterated several of the talking points he made earlier Monday on Twitter, ripping into the partisan reaction to the CIA assessment. “It’s like because our guy won, Trump won, we’re going to keep our mouths shut,” Walsh said. “I mean that’s just so wrong.”...

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