Sunday, December 4, 2016

Paul Krugman Reveals How Trump's Betrayal of His White Working-Class Supporters Has Already Begun

Paul Krugman writes in Friday's column that Donald Trump's white working-class supporters won't be celebrating for long. Just three short weeks after the election, the president-elect has already shown clear signs that his concern for their welfare is about as real as Trump University's concern for its students.

"The white working class is about to be betrayed," Krugman declares in no uncertain terms. "The evidence of that coming betrayal is obvious in the choice of an array of pro-corporate, anti-labor figures for key positions. In particular, the most important story of the week — seriously, people, stop focusing on Trump Twitter — was the selection of Tom Price, an ardent opponent of Obamacare and advocate of Medicare privatization, as secretary of health and human services. This choice probably means that the Affordable Care Act is doomed — and Mr. Trump’s most enthusiastic supporters will be among the biggest losers."...

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