Friday, October 14, 2016

'The Daily Show' set up a "no gays allowed" food truck in North Carolina to show how dumb HB2 is

’m tempted to say that the HB2 bill (aka “the bathroom bill”) is a freaking joke at this point, but I can’t say that because in North Carolina, it’s still totally a thing. Because of that insane fact, The Daily Show set up a “no gays allowed” food truck in North Carolina to show how dumb HB2 is in a brilliant way.

To refresh your memory re: the bill everyone would rather forget because it’s so embarrassing and ridiculous, HB2 not only states that people have to use the bathroom associated with their “biological sex” (their assigned at birth gender, which screws over transgender people), it also allows businesses to discriminate against people they think might be gay. Might be gay?! So I’m supposed to believe a bunch of homophobes suddenly have gaydar, which I’ve been trying to get my whole life? Seriously, guys, gaydar is so rare and there’s a waiting list and everything. But apparently, all people who work in businesses in North Carolina have it, so watch out, gays!...

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