Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Religious Right Group Says Trump’s Behavior Is The Result Of ‘Progressive Culture’

By now, you’ve probably heard many of the silly excuses the Religious Right has made for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s serial misogyny. Well, OneNewsNow.com, a division of the American Family Association, has published a very funny opinion column recently that illustrates the Religious Right’s desperation to absolve Trump of blame. You see, his misbehavior is the fault of liberals who have promoted “progressive culture.”

“Forgive me if what follows sounds a bit self-righteous. It’s not my intent to scold, but to build to a different point,” Rebecca Ryskind Teti, a guest columnist, began her argument.

Spoiler alert: Ryskind Teti comes off as self-righteous, racist and anti-choice. She claims Trump’s comments in the leaked tape describing his fondness for sexual assault are indefensible, yet she essentially defends them by making an argument like this: “X does X, but ‘the left’ still accepts them.”...

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