Friday, October 14, 2016

Jerry Falwell, Jr.: That Donald Trump Tape Was Leaked by “Establishment Republicans”

Jerry Falwell, Jr., the President of Liberty University, is in a bind. As an evangelical leader, he really wants to back Donald Trump, in the hopes that a Republican President and Congress can get him his preferred Supreme Court lineup. But that means backing someone who brags about sexual assault, doesn’t take his marriage vows seriously, doesn’t actually give a damn about stopping abortion or overturning LGBT rights, and lies dozens of times in any given day.

He could also abandon Trump and make the point that standing by your principles is more important than short-term political gain. But this is Jerry Falwell, not a man of principle. Which makes him one of many evangelical leaders who’s not about to jump ship.

So how does he respond to the recent video in which Trump brags about grabbing women “by the pussy” and making advances on them without their consent? He denounced Trump’s words… and then blamed establishment Republicans for leaking the tape to the press....

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