Tuesday, August 23, 2016

The Daily Caller Is Totally Wrong About Michelle Obama’s School Lunches

Last week, the Daily Caller published a piece decrying Michelle Obama’s push to improve the nutrition of government-funded school meals across the country. Based off of a recent study out of Virginia Tech, which found that children who are most likely to be overweight also tend to be those that participate in school meal programs, the Daily Caller concluded that “First lady Michelle Obama’s school lunch program is making the poorer children it’s supposed to help more likely to become overweight.”

There’s just one problem: The data used in the Virginia Tech study, which was funded in part by the USDA, ends in 2007 — five years before the first round of new school lunch standards went into place, three years before Congress passed the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, and two years before Barack Obama was officially sworn is as president.

In short, the data from the Virginia Tech study has absolutely nothing to do with Michelle Obama’s school meals program — and actually shows how much reform for school nutrition was needed....

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