Friday, July 19, 2024

Republican convention plays clip of Ole Miss student making racist gestures

As the white fraternity member approaches the Black woman and begins making the racist gestures, the announcer can be heard saying that these students are "giving us some hope there that not all college students have gone woke."… 

"Donald Trump promised unity at his convention," Biden campaign senior spokesperson Sarafina Chitika told The Hill in a statement. "Instead, he delivered bigotry, division, and straight-up racism that turned dog whistles into bullhorns." 

"The video elevated by Trump and his RNC is beneath the office of the President, and it's proof that their empty pandering to voters of color is nothing more than lip service to paper over decades of racism," Chitika added… 

Social media users also expressed outrage, with one user asking if there will be "a cross burning to wrap things up?" Another user said there would be "no pushback from their base."

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