Sunday, August 4, 2019

#DemocracyRIP (Opening Arguments podcast OA302)

Today’s episode is all about democracy — from the Russian efforts to de-legitimize a Clinton victory in 2016 with the #DemocracyRIP hashtag and media storm to those very same tactics being employed right now in 2019. Is a new California law requiring a presidential candidate to disclose his or her tax returns the answer? Listen and find out!

We begin with the release of the (Republican) Senate Intelligence Committee Report, Vol. I, which details the extent of the Russian government’s activities to infiltrate U.S. elections in 2016, including de-legitimatizing an expected Hillary Clinton victory with social media storming (and the #DemocracyRIP hashtag). It’s truly terrifying. And then we move from that report to something that looks to be in exactly the same vein after the second night of the Democratic primary debate. Coincidence or conspiracy? You decide!

After that, it’s time for a deep dive into California Bill SB27 which requires Presidential (and gubernatorial) candidates to disclose their tax returns. Find out what the media has mis-reported, what this bill actually does, why Andrew Was Wrong, and where the future is headed for mandatory disclosure requirements.

Then, we tackle another potential conspiracy theory — this time, that the California State Bar secretly leaked bar exam questions to certain elite law schools. Is it true? (Not really.)

After all that, it’s time for a brand new #T3BE on regulations regarding pasteurized beer. Will Thomas break his losing streak?


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