Sunday, January 29, 2017

Not vouching for DeVos

On Jan. 12, Freedom From Religion Foundation sent a letter to the members of the Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Committee, requesting them to ask Betsy DeVos the following seven questions during her confirmation hearing to become secretary of education.

1. Would you uphold the right of states to abide by their constitu- tions and limit funding to religious schools?

2. Why shouldn’t private schools continue to be privately funded? Why should all taxpayers shoulder the burden of a dual education system?

3. Religion and freedom flourish- es under our constitutional separa- tion of state and church. Given this history, how can you then propose taxing citizens to support religious education?

4. You are a lobbyist for publicly paid vouchers. If you were confirmed as secretary of education, would it not be tantamount to the proverbial fox guarding the chicken coop?

5. What measures would you take to ensure that schools that receive public money are accountable to taxpayers?

6. Do you believe that elementary and secondary schools that receive public money should be allowed to discriminate on the basis of disability, religion, or sexual orientation?

7. Will you advocate for teaching genuine science in all public-sup- ported schools and oppose the teaching of unscientific and untestable religious opinions in the science curriculum?

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