Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Mitch McConnell wants to protect your Second Amendment rights, to hell with the Fourth

The very same day Mitch McConnell was using the excuse of Second Amendment rights for his vote to allow people on the terrorist watch list to buy a gun, he brought an amendment to the floor that would gut Americans' Fourth Amendment protections.

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell set up a vote late on Monday to expand the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s authority to use a secretive surveillance order without a warrant to include email metadata and some browsing history information.

[…] The amendment would broaden the FBI’s authority to use so-called National Security Letters to include electronic communications transaction records such as time stamps of emails and the emails' senders and recipients.

It would do a hell of a lot more than that—it would allow the FBI to bypass the courts in getting your metadata....

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