Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Cartoon: Thoughts and prayers

Now that we have had the deadliest mass-shooting in the history of the United States, can we please do something to help stop the carnage? Sadly, I’m not too hopeful—if we didn’t do much after twenty 6 and 7-year-olds were massacred in their classrooms, we probably won’t do much when 49 people partying at a gay club are gunned down.

 This is one of those cartoons where the research just sucked me down the rabbit hole. The deeper you look, the more awful this really is. Sure, assault weapons aren’t the only culprit in this tragedy. This and most other mass shootings require a warped mind as well as the tools to carry out an attack. But it seems to me the common denominator, and the most readily-solved part of the problem, is incredibly easy access to guns.
Thoughts and Prayers from MarkFiore on Vimeo.

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